Wednesday, January 12, 2005


Only in your DeamsThe search for WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION is over. The Washington Post reported today, that after two years of searching by two different teams, no Weapons of Mass Destruction have been found. Unless you ask the president of the United States, George W. Bush, I'm sure he'll say otherwise somehow.

Interestingly enough, what they did find is that much of what was left of the Weapons of Mass Destruction, has been looted. Now, I'm sure George W. Bush is going to say that of course he was wrong and there has never been any weapons at all, otherwise the odds of those looted weapons due to the war landing right here in America's mainland, are increasing by the minute.

Ay, America. . . You should learn from your mistakes (well, you will. No doubt about it. I just hope you trust Mr. Bush when he says otherwise).

Now, the only way to find nuclear, chemical and biological devices attached to missiles and ready to launch will be to search either inside the United States or Israel.

Sunday, January 09, 2005


America, under the administration of George W. Bush, went mad. I've just read this article in the NYTimes about ilegal detentions around the world and torture of those detenies without any rights at all, where America has and IS involved, and what can I say. . . I just can'r believe how people here in America don't denounce this crazy policies and his perpetrators -all the way to the one who lives in a House that is all White.

If we don't obbey the rules that we've created, then what is the difference between Us and our enemies? If we allow kidnapping, torture, and detentions without trial or charges, what have we become? What has America become under George W. Bush?